
Trevor Hehn founded SpaceBlawg on the belief that humanity is undergoing an epochal shift from living only on earth to inhabiting space.

From the time Trevor was toddling around his favorite question has been ‘why?’ One of the first things he dreamed of becoming was an astronaut. Trevor then fell in love with the night sky twinkling above the drifting embers of countless campfires. He nearly joined the U.S. Navy in pursuit of a starry sky free from light pollution and opted instead to win hearts and minds when he enlisted in the Army.

Over the years Trevor lived on 4 continents; learned and largely forgot foreign tongues; fought for a better world; played pickup soccer around the world; led Soldiers in history’s greatest military; and trained in classical philosophy before studying law. He lived in the countryside under insufferable heat with a thin layer of canvas for protection. And he lived in the city surrounded by throngs of bustling people seemingly oblivious to the marvel of their existence. Along the way Trevor immersed himself in the culture of each place, ate local fare, conducted business, and grew from each experience. But Trevor’s love of the stars and voracious curiosity never left.

Now married to a smart, caring, beautiful, and all-around incredible wife; father to three bright and energetic kids; and too many years of education later; Trevor is once again turning to the stars. Trevor is licensed to practice law and does not intend to use this site to provide legal advice (see disclaimer in footer). Trevor is inspired in this pursuit by a deep, abiding faith in God and the singular conviction of the dignity inherent in each and every human being. It is his faith in both God and humanity the compels Trevor to establish this blog with the hope of launching a broad conversation on law and space.


New Law for #NewSpace